Conference Speakers

Federico Camia.jpg


Visiting Associate Professor of Mathematics;

Associate Professor, Math. Dept., Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Federico Camia received his undergraduate physics degree with honors from the University of Bologna and his M.S. and Ph.D. in physics from New York University. He subsequently moved to ETH Zurich and to EURANDOM, part of the Eindhoven University of Technology, before joining the Department of Mathematics of the VU University Amsterdam. Since 2010, he is also a visiting professor at the Abu Dhabi campus of New York University. His research lies at the interface between probability theory and statistical physics, and focuses primarily on the study of spatial stochastic models and conformal probability. He has been awarded the Marie Curie Research Fellowship and various grants from the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) and the Dutch Organization for Scientific Research (NWO), and has co-organized seminars and international workshops on probability theory and stochastic models.




Harrison Early Career Assistant Professor of Statistics, University of Warwick

Prof.Candellero works in the areas of probability theory, analysis, and combinatorics. Previously she was a research fellow at the University of Warwick (Department of Statistics), and prior to that she was a postdoc at Birmingham, working with Nikolaos Fountoulakis on properties of random geometric graphs on hyperbolic spaces. She got her Ph.D. degree at the TU-Graz (Graz University of Technology, Austria) under the supervision of Prof. Wolfgang Woess. The title of her Ph.D. thesis is "Limit Behaviors for Random Walks and Branching Random Walks on some Products of Groups".



Assistant Professor in Math, Georgia Institute of Technology

Prof. Damron did his Ph.D. Mathematics at New York University and his B.S.E. Computer Engineering, B.S. Mathematics at University of Florida. Currently, he is the assistant professor in Math at Georgia Institute of Technology.



Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics and the College, University of Chicago

Prof. Ding is an assistant professor at University of Chicago. His research is in discrete probability theory, often in problems from statistical physics, combinatorial optimization, or theoretical computer science. Currently, two of my main research topics are extreme values of Gaussian processes and random constraint satisfaction problems.



Researcher, Institute of Applied Mathematics, AMSS, CAS




Chair Professor in Statistics, Utrecht University

Prof. Fernandez's main field of research is mathematical statistical mechanics (classical and quantum). In this field he has worked on rigorous determination of critical exponents, non-Gibbs phenomena, uniqueness criteria, convergence of cluster expansions and quantum phase diagrams. He also works in the theory of stochastic processes, with emphasis in chains with long memory. Other topics include perfect simulation algorithms, cutoff and escape behavior in Markov processes and applications of stochastic processes to biological processes and language acquisition.



Global Postdoctoral Fellow, New York University Shanghai

Jianping Jiang is Global Postdoctoral Fellow at NYU Shanghai. He holds a PhD from University of Arizona. Jiang’s research interests are probability theory and statistical physics.



Professor, State University of New York New Paltz

Krishnamurthi Ravishankar received his Ph.D. in Mathematical Physics from Yeshiva University, New York in 1980. He has taught at Ohio State University and Oregon State University and had visiting appointments at University of Rome I and II in Italy, University of Camerino in Italy, University of Paris Descartes (Paris-5) in France, Institute Henri Poincare in France, Universidade de Sao Paulo, IMPA in Brazil, Chennai Mathematical Institute in India, Indian Statistical Institute in India and New York University's Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences in USA. His fields of interest include Probability Theory, Statistical Mechanics and Mathematical Physics.



Researcher, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Assistant Professor (visiting), New York University Shanghai

Dr. Rolla did his Ph.D. degree in Mathematics. Area at Probability Instituto de Matemática Pura e Aplicada. Since 2012, he has been a researcher (tenured) at Argentinian National Research Council, Instituto de Matemática Luís Santaló, Universidad de Buenos Aires. From 2015 to 2016, he has been an assistant professor (visiting) at New York University Shanghai. 


Emmanuel Schertzer

Assistant Professor, Université Paris VI

Prof. Schertzer is an assistant professor at University Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris 06). He is mainly interested in probability theory applied to ecology and evolution. 



Professor, Université Paris VI

Prof. Zhan SHI received a PhD in Mathematics in 1990 in Univ. Pierre et Marie Curie Paris VI, under the joint supervision of Professors Marc Yor and Paul Deheuvels. He spent two years as a Research Assistant of Professor Chris Roger, in Queen Mary College, University of London. He is a Professor at Univ. Paris VI since 1998. Prof. Zhan Shi's research themes include random processes in random media, spatial branching processes, and Brownian motion.



Professor of Mathematics at New York University and New York University Shanghai

Vladas Sidoravicius works in the field of Probability, Ergodic Theory and Rigorous Statistical Mechanics. More specifically his focus is on Disordered Systems and motions in static and dynamic random environments.



Ph. D. Student, Tel-Aviv University

Yinon is currently a Ph.D. student working in the field of probability under the supervision of Ron Peled.  Yinon completed his master's degree at Tel-Aviv University also under the supervision of Ron Peled. My thesis was Random Walk with Long-Range Constraints.



Prize Fellow in Mathematical Sciences, University of Bath

Dr. Stauffer's research interests include intersection of probability, theoretical computer science and combinatorics, including percolation, point processes, random walks, interacting particle systems, random graphs, Markov chain mixing time, importance sampling, randomized structures and algorithms. He got his Ph.D degree in computer science at UC Berkeley and his post-doc at Microsoft Research, Redmond.



Postdoc, MIT Mathematic and MSRNE

Dr. SUN is a postdoc at MIT Mathematics and MSRNE, where he is supported by the MSR/MIT Schramm Fellowship and the NSF MSPRF. His research interests are in probability theory and statistical physics.HeI completed my Ph.D. at the Stanford Statistics Department, under the supervision of Prof. Amir Dembo. In summers 2010-11, je was an intern in the MSR Theory Group where he was mentored by Dr. David Wilson. 



Associate Professor in Dept of Mathematics, National University of Singapore

Prof. Sun's research interests include probability theory: interacting particle systems, statistical mechanical models, and their scaling limits. He did his Ph.D. in Mathematics, at Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University.



Professor, Beijing Normal University


Global Postdoctoral Fellow of Mathematics, New York University Shanghai

Wei Wu is a Global postdoctoral fellow of Mathematics at NYU Shanghai. Prior to joining NYU Shanghai, he was Courant Instructor at Courant Institute, New York University. He holds a Ph.D. from  Brown University and a B.Sc. from Fudan University. Dr. Wu’s research interests are probability and mathematical physics. His work has appeared in Probability Theory and Related Fields and Annales de l’Institute Henri Poincare.